
We ended the year with a high-profile lecture on health, "Taiji: brain-body harmony from a neurobiological perspective", given by Osvaldas Rukšėnas, PhD, Professor and Head of the Department of Neurobiology and Biophysics at the Institute of Biosciences.

The aim of this lecture was to highlight the health benefits of these activities and to explain how this phenomenon works from a neurobiological (brain) perspective.

The lecture started with an introduction to basic neurobiology terms and an introduction to neurobiology.

It was interesting to see how Taiji research is done and to look at the results. It was encouraging to know that there are a number of publications on the benefits of Taiji.

Regarding the effects of Taiji on the brain and the nervous system, it was agreed that the effects of Taiji are complex, affecting the immune system, the cardiovascular system, psychological well-being and the central nervous system.

In the second part, we delved into the scientific mechanisms that explain how this practice affects our body and mind, helps to reduce stress and improve overall health, and how it affects certain diseases.

The studies were carried out on 3 groups who practised for 12 weeks - taiji practitioners, practitioners of traditional western exercise and a control group who practised nothing. The result: only the Taiji practitioners showed positive results, with improvements in some cognitive functions. Mood is strongly affected (good mood improves, bad mood decreases, relaxation increases, fatigue decreases, sleep improves, self-efficacy increases, quality of life improves). It was concluded that at least one aspect of quality of life improves with the practice of Taiji.

The main changes that have been identified during Taiji practice are: changes in brain volume; changes in the cortex; more relaxation; reduced stress; changes in reaction time to stimuli - the longer the practice, the quicker the reaction time.

In terms of diseases, Dr. O.Rukšėnas identified the most common brain diseases. Dementia - there is clear research that Taiji helps to prevent dementia (slightly ahead of social interaction).

A 12-week Parkinson's disease study showed that the Taiji group is the most effective.

Compared to the control group, mental health (hope, optimism, resilience) improved.

Depression - summarised the results of the above publications, with a higher proportion of publications stating that taiji helps to alleviate symptoms of depression. Taiji practices also have a positive effect on anxiety.

Cognitive mental functions - perception, attention, memory - improve.

More broadly, practitioners have lower blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and higher high-density lipids.

Thus, it can be concluded that Taiji practices have an effect on the body, albeit not a strong one, depending on age, duration of practice, and pre-existing diseases.

However, Taiji is quite a broad phenomenon and scientifically unknown, so let's hope that more and more related studies will appear in the future.

However, we are sure that exercise is a physical activity that releases dopamine and creates positive closed loops that influence our central nervous system, improving it and contributing to a better psycho-physical state. Taiji can be called Dynamic Meditation, which has a meditative aspect and physical activity as its main aspects.

You are invited to listen to a recording of the lecture (in Lithuanian)