
On 27 May, the last Friday of May, we invited everyone - students and friends - to visit our Institute. We dedicated this afternoon to learning about Chinese culture through Laozi wisdom and real Chinese tea.

The tea was presented by Ieva Virbalaitė, a Chinese tea expert, who introduced us to medium-fermented teas (oolong tea). The audience learned about the different parts of China where this tea grows, how it is prepared and served. But perhaps the most surprising thing was the range of flavours of these teas, from lightly refreshing to mild tonic. This magical warming drink carried our minds back to distant China, and the presentation‘s interesting programme also enriched us with new knowledge.

The next part of the evening was dedicated to a deeper insight into the Laozi theses, which were displayed in a poster exhibition. As many noted, the eternal truths of this sage are still very relevant today, so everyone could apply the ancient Chinese wisdom to themselves, their environment or the wider world context.

It was great to see each other, to share ideas, to discover something new and to finally welcome the long-awaited summer...